E-commerce (online stores)

We help to create the terms and conditions of online stores and privacy policy, complying your webshop with GDPR and efficiently implement tried tax solutions. We also secure your intellectual property rights.

Take care of legal aspects of your ecommerce business

Our clients form startup and IT industries often run business as online stores or online auction sites. They frequently implement such systems too. Working with them, we have gained considerable experience in legal, tax and accounting services for e-commerce. 

We will help you, no matter if you have your store in Poland or abroad, sell digital or material products and your services are intended for business or consumers. Our support involves creating the terms and conditions of online store, privacy policy, running accounting for online shops, complying your e-commerce with GDPR or protecting your intellectual property rights.

Privacy policy, GDPR and terms and conditions of online shop

A correctly created terms and conditions of online store and privacy policy are indispensable for your webshop to comply with law.


We create all necessary documents for your e-commerce, including:

  • the rules of conducting services electronically,
  • terms and conditions of an online store, 
  • terms and conditions of an auction site,
  • terms and conditions of an advertising site,
  • terms and conditions of promotions,
  • privacy policy.


We draft every document to fit the particular needs of your e-commerce. According to your wish the documents can be made in Polish or English.

Legal and tax advisory for e-commerce

We provide you legal, accounting, tax and business advising at every stage of your e-commerce business. Our support concerns all legal problems existing in e-commerce, including consumer protection, protection of intellectual property, e-marketing, personal data protection or online transactions.


We advise you when you set up your business, recommending an optimal form (from legal, tax and personal data processing viewpoint), strategy or shape of specific solutions (including SEO). We also carry out the audit of your previous e-commerce activity and inform you about potential legal and tax risks or fields in which, using our legal solutions, it is possible to unlock the potential of your business even more.

Agreements in e-commerce

We draw up, verify and negotiate all agreements that exist in e-commerce. Our support involves even contracts you come across before setting up your online store, such as: agreement on creating an online store, agreement on support and maintenance services for your website or contracts with a payment gateway.


We draw up drafts of sales agreements, licence agreements, agreements with delivery service firms, agreements related to personal data or storing your goods. We verify standard contracts you receive from your partners and help you to negotiate the best terms and conditions.


We ensure support in dissolving, terminating and amending of agreements. We may create each agreement in Polish or English.

Intellectual property rights and legal support in e-marketing

Intellectual property plays a pivotal role in e-commerce not only if your online store offers digital products. Thanks to our huge experience in advising online sales of software, we may help you to create a licencing strategy adequate to your needs.


We help you to register and protect your trademark (brand) in Poland and overseas. We advise how to advertise online (including Google Ads and Facebook Ads) in compliance with law and how to react in case of unfair acts of competitors. We protect your intellectual property comprehensively!

Disputes connected with e-commerce

We help in every dispute connected with your e-commerce, whether it concerns copyright, advertising, online transaction or personal data. We advise you the best way to protect your interests.


We take part in negotiations including these with the President of Polish Office for Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) the President of Polish Office of Personal Data Protection Competition (PUODO). We also help in administrative and administrative court procedures as well as other court and amicable proceedings. Our support involves an enforcement stage as well.

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